Kyle Vaughan
Senior Investment Analyst
Cross Portfolio Analysis
Client and Consultant Relations
Kyle joined TIR in 2017 and his work focuses on asset valuation, cross portfolio analysis, and client and consultant relations. He also works closely with TIR’s Chief Financial Officer in a variety of support capacities.
Kyle previously was a Senior Analyst with SPX Corporation, a global HVAC engineering and technology company, where he worked primarily with the firm’s executive leadership team on a variety of analytical, performance measurement, forecasting and financial reporting activities. Earlier in his career with the firm, he also worked directly with several of its core business units and as a member of its Internal Audit team. Prior to beginning his career, Kyle completed sales and finance internships with both Altria Group and the Brady Corporation. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he earned a BBA degree with a dual-major in Accounting and Marketing. He also attended City University of London in the United Kingdom. As a college student, Kyle was heavily involved in variety of volunteer activities, including the Y Achievers youth development program – an organization with which he is still affiliated.