Chris Elwell
Managing Director, Investment Analysis
Chairs TIR’s Information Systems Committee
Extensive experience managing timberland investments in both the U.S. Southeast and U.S. West
Chris oversees investment analytics for TIR, managing the design and deployment of key forest management, planning, inventory and enterprise-wide information and decision support systems. This work also includes managing a team of forest analysts who employ these tools to assess current and prospective investments in the context of clients’ portfolio objectives. He also is TIR’s resident expert on matters relating to carbon forestry markets and the monetization of forest-based carbon resources. In addition to this expertise, Chris has extensive experience managing timberland assets in both the U.S. Southeast and U.S. West.
Prior to his current assignment, he directed all forest management operations in the Appalachian Region for TIR. Chris joined the firm as a Senior Investment Forester in 2004 after serving as a Business Analyst and Technical Forester with MeadWestvaco, a leading paper and packaging company. During his tenure with that company, he was responsible for management reporting, capital project analysis, and the tracking of product profitability. He also conducted financial analyses for land dispositions and silvicultural operations and oversaw harvest scheduling and fiber supply planning. In addition, he developed the forestry program for Appalachian Sustainable Development, a regional economic development non-profit that fosters forest conservation to promote economic expansion and job growth within the regional forest products industry. The organization was especially active in supporting enterprises operating in the “green” building sector. Chris is a graduate of the University of the South, where he earned a BA in Natural Resources. He also holds an MS in Forestry from Yale University, and an MBA from Kennesaw State University. He is a member of the Society of American Foresters, the Georgia Forestry Association, and the Tennessee Forestry Association. During his career, he has contributed well-reviewed articles to several prominent forestry publications.