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TIR Research Library

A cornerstone of TIR’s investment philosophy is its commitment to research. Our proprietary research is incorporated into our investment process and discipline. It is also used to identify and unlock inefficiencies within the asset class. Our team produces research that is pertinent and provides insight into the changing fundamentals of the asset class.

24May 2008

Comparing Timberland with Other Inflation Hedges

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


In 2004, Chung-Hong Fu, PhD published a white paper entitled “Timberland as an Inflation Hedge”. In this paper, the characteristics and historical return histories of timberland were evaluated to assess the effectiveness of timberland as an inflation hedge. This most recent installment, “Comparing Timberland with Other Inflation Hedges”, builds upon this discussion and explores how timberland compares to other asset classes typically considered inflation hedges (e.g., energy).

24Jan 2008

The Emergence of HBU in Timberland Investments: New Opportunities, New Strategies

Chris Curth: Managing Director Real Estate
Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


Increasing land values within timberland portfolios have received unprecedented attention in the past few years. In many instances, investors recognize that land values are not appreciating because of the value for timber production, but rather because the land has transitioned to some “higher and better use”, or HBU. Although we have witnessed debates about the risk and return characteristics associated with HBU within these portfolios, the reality is that HBU has been a part of timberland investing — long before timberland investing was established as an institutional investment asset class in the early 1980s. New entrants and new investors lack the historical context of demographic changes and trading activity in timberland markets over time, which in part explains the lack of a clear understanding of the land appreciation phenomenon. Demographics are not often associated with timberland investing, but in reality, demographic changes in historical timber growing regions explain land value increases as some properties experience conversion of timberland to higher and better uses.

In “The Emergence of HBU in Timberland Investments: New Opportunities, New Strategies”, the authors explore the concept of HBU within a timberland portfolio, beginning with an academic approach to the subject and ending with “real world” examples to illustrate the concepts in more practical terms.

24Oct 2007

A Survey of Leading Business Models of Timberland Investment Managers

Tom Johnson: Managing Director Client Relationship Management
Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


“Survey of Leading Business Models of Timberland Investment Managers” explores the history of the asset class and the development of the four primary business models that exist within the industry. The pros and cons of the different approaches are examined and key distinctions of the different business models are highlighted. While our firm has a strong philosophical bias about the business model it has adopted, this paper has been developed to provide foundational knowledge of the different models so investors and consultants can appreciate both the importance as well as the complexity and differences of the models that are prevalent within our industry.

24Mar 2007

Collection of Short Topics on Timberland Investment

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


In this latest installment “Collection of Short Topics on Timberland Investment”, Fu takes a fresh look at several questions that investors regularly ask. These include:

  • What are the key risks of investing in timberland?
  • What is the difference between investing in the U.S. versus overseas?
  • Does the size of the timberland transaction affect return expectations?
  • What are the different businesses models that timberland manager’s use?
  • Will diversification across different regions improve risk adjusted returns?
24Jun 2006

Timberland Returns and the Housing Cycle Demystifying the Link

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


As with many areas of the timberland asset class, what appear to be simple, logical relationships are not as straightforward as they may seem. In “Timberland Returns and the Housing Cycle – Demystifying the Link”, Fu discusses timberland investments and how housing starts have historically impacted timberland returns.

24Apr 2006

Seeking Timberland Alpha: Recognizing The Inefficiencies of the Asset Class

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


For those that have thoroughly investigated the timberland asset class, the inevitable dichotomy becomes apparent: understanding that trees grow and become more valuable is simple; understanding what really drives risk and return for the asset class is not so easy. “Seeking Timberland Alpha” explores the inefficiencies within the asset class, why investors cannot expect to buy into the asset class to obtain NCREIF index type returns, and how alpha can be produced in timberland.

24Feb 2006

Outlook for US Timberland in a Changing Global Marketplace

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


With the reduction and potential removal of the Canadian softwood lumber tariffs and the growth of mill capacity overseas, people have asked about the future of the US forest products industry and its impact on US timberland. “Outlook for US Timberland in a Global Marketplace” explores this question by evaluating the economic factors that will influence the US forest products industry and how these factors will lead to the long-term viability of timberland investments in the US.

24Jan 2006

Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Timberland?

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


In times of great change, there are always exciting opportunities. “Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Timberland?” discusses the changes occurring in the timberland investment arena and what these changes mean to investors considering the asset class.

4Jan 2006

Modern Forest Management Practices

John Paul McTague: Managing Director Forest Management


In “Modern Forest Management Practices”, McTague provides an advanced, comprehensive overview of modern forest management practices and discusses how those practices lead to improved forest management and investment returns.

24Nov 2004

Timberland as an Inflation Hedge

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis


People have questioned whether or not timberland is a hedge against inflation. In “Timberland as an Inflation Hedge”, the evidence is examined to answer this question.

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